In June, Peter received an acceptance letter to the University of Utah
Medical School class of 2016. We both felt this was an obvious answer to prayer
instead of our first initial thought of Medical School in Reno.
As we
anticipated leaving Rexburg, which has been or home for the past 8+- years, and
even moving out of state, we wanted to be sure to enjoy as much of the
beautiful outdoors possible.
We have so many wonderful friends and neighbors who helped us with our move. The joys of moving a piano really strengthen the Elder's quorum, |
Good bye wonderful Andrew's Place apartment. and look at how full that 15ft trailer is. |
My parents have been living in Chicago since March, as Dad got a new job.
They came to Blackfoot for two weeks and during the time rented a cabin in
Island Park for one week of their visit. Kyle coordinated his schedule to make
it out for a few days of that time too so Mom made sure we had a family photo
taken while we were all together for the last time in a while.
Michael and Brandon where good sports to endure the picture session. Brandon is going to pound someone after though. |
I love my Family! |
Playing games |
Riding in the boat with Grandpa |
Jet ski |
And of course FISHING! |
Shane out did everyone this trip |
Helping Dad get used to his new reel and rod too |
Time out for treats and a chat with Mom |
The Johnson family came and stayed a couple nights with us. It was so much fun being outdoors together. |
We drove into Yellowstone early one morning to look for wolves. We had a special treat spotting these two bull elk at dusk. |
Success was ours. We saw three wolves in Lamar Valley. Our first sighting ever! |
Michael wanted to be a big boy like everyone else and wear some fishing pants. |
Peter's beauty! |
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You can tell I'm really tense because this was the biggest fish I've ever had on my line. It is probably okay that I didn't land him or I'd have pulled a muscle. |
And yet again, Shane shows us all up! It was huge and I hated/had to net it for him. Terrible job but at least we got him! 25 inches!! (That is a two foot fish!) |
Our last afternoon at the cabin. We have such a wonderful family! |
Mom and Dad aren't sure yet how long they will be with a job in Chicago because it is contract. They aren't too sure what to do with their home. I had very sentimental feelings as we were all there together and slowly one by one everyone began to leave to their new lives awaiting them in the mid-west.
Gerdy! |
I love my parents home! |
Oh the joy of country life! Who knows what will happen to this wonderful space we call home. |
Dad obviously wasn't aware that this was a diaper lawn mowing party. |
The best memories of being all together and eating out back. |
Spending time in
northern Idaho and northwestern Wyoming is Peter's and my favorite pastime.
Yellowstone holds so many memories for us and we will always strive to make a
visit the beautiful area year after year.
Using Peter's Dad's camping stove that Peter researched the part needed to get it working again and got it in the mail. |
We spotted a Momma bear with two cubs. It was SO neat. We have never seen cubs in the park. |
My large fish I caught and netted all on my own. |
Slough Creek!! Our favorite spot in Yellowstone. It is a 5 mile hike in. |
Peter's large fish for the day. |
Hailey and her family have moved to Indiana, for the purpose of Andrew, her
husband, to begin Optometry School. Her boys, Michael (4 in December) and
Brandon (2), have been such a joy to be around for these few early years of
their lives. They are my only nephews and the nephews Peter has been around the
most these past few years.
Hailey and Andrew taking off for their long journey to Indiana. We all might have been a little emotional. |
Mom and Dad flew back to Chicago with Michael and Brandon so they didn't have to endure the long cross country road trip. They love flying. |
Going through security isn't the easiest when you don't have your drivers license. But I guess the Costco card works for your picture ID nowadays. Bye everyone! We will miss you all, but will remain in the West to represent. |
Before Shane headed out East to his internship in Chicago again he, Peter and I went on a 4 day backpack adventure through the Sawtooth
Mountains near Challis, Idaho to Hell Roaring Lake. It had been four years
since Peter and I did this hike, while we were engaged. And Shane hadn't done
it since before his mission. We absolutely love this place. It is just
picturesque. Shane, for his birthday, received a fly rod and reel and there is
not many places to put it to good use as this high mountain lake.
We got to our camp at midnight. Kind of crazy to begin a hike late in the evening that usually is 1 mile and find out that they moved the trail head 2 miles out. Bear aware/safety first. Hanging our food for the night. |
"No Name Lake" at the base of the finger of fate. Our favorite spot! |
Our delicious dehydrated meals we brought up the 1 mile vertical incline for lunch. It never poured on us but it drizzled a tiny bit. Always prepared though. |
One fish on, Two fish on! |
One of the best parts about this time going in was there were HUCKLEBERRIES on! It was such a treat to munch on them as we hiked since we didn't have time this summer to go pick some for the fall. |
Pumping water. There were forest fires around the area that made they sky a strange color. |
Cleaning up dinner. |
To top off the week of hiking and camping we make an annual stop at the natural hot spring in the Salmon River.
NOW...our new life. We are living in Bountiful, Utah. Once Peter was
accepted to Med School we knew we needed to find housing. There are so many
options to live in Utah as to areas. Close to the University, the Avenues,
Sugar House, Downtown, Millcreek, East Millcreek, Murray, etc. As we searched,
keep in mind we are in Idaho trying to find housing in Utah, we took a weekend
to go to SLC and try the door-to-door approach. Most places we found for a
reasonable price were pretty old and small. We also had a big hang up with the
allowance of pets. We both really wanted little friends to have around so we
have two small, but growing, kittens: Biff and Penny.
Moved in |
Relaxing in the rubble |
Sleepy kittens |
Peter's study partner |
Well we ended up finding the perfect fit in Bountiful for at least a time.
Peter would like to be closer to the campus so he doesn't lose time for study
while he is using the public transportation. At first, his commute was almost
one hour one way. Not good. Going the bus route was too slow and it really
worried Peter he was missing out on precious time. Now he is riding the
front-runner to downtown and takes an early bus from the station that only
stops at the medical school, no others stops. So that has been a huge relief to
cut his travel time in half.
Off to his first day of school and kind of nervous :) I hope the kids on the bus are nice to him. |
Peter is loving school! His schedule as of now is up at 6:00, and can either
catch the 6:54 train or the 7:24. He studies from 8am-1pm most days. Then has
lectures from 1-5 and then catches the train to be home by either 5:45 or 6. We
then have dinner from 6-6:30 and Peter then proceeds to study till about 9:15.
Bedtime is super important because we both need our eight hours of sleep to
have a pleasant next day. Plus, Peter admits his studying isn't too productive
after 10 anyway. Wednesday mornings are lab and they have not wasted any time.
The first lab they sawed open the spine at an angle and removed the layers to
analyze. The following week they removed the chest cavity and lungs to get to
the heart. Then they removed the heart and dissected it the next Wednesday lab.
It really is quite incredible what they are experiencing. He says that lectures
will all relate from topic to topic. From Histology, Biochemistry, Anatomy,
Embryology, etc. they each will focus on the heart the week they dissect the
heart. It sounds like a very enjoyable learning atmosphere that relates from
class to class.

Receiving his white coat at the "White Coat Ceremony" |
Proud Family |
As for me, I did not get a job teaching this school year. I will admit, I
wasn't too thrilled about the idea of teaching again. I loved my job in Rexburg
working with the choir students at the middle school, but the idea of having a
first year all over again was stressful. I felt this was a good time to try
something new or look into new pathways of study or career options. Before we
moved down to Bountiful, back at the cabin with my folks, Dad suggested I try
out for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. So in July I looked up the website and it
just so happened that applications were being accepted for that time till
August. I decided to give it a shot and prepared an audition CD to mail in.
Then, once we made the move to Bountiful, Dad suggested again to audition for
the production of Savior of the World. So I looked online and auditions were
going to be the following Saturday. So I ran over there and had a wonderful
experience trying out for that production.

Well I made it into Savior of the World, playing the role as Suzanna, and
performing the whole month of December each Wednesday, Friday nights and
Saturday matinees. We have had only a couple rehearsals, but I know that it is
an inspired production and have loved feeling the spirit it brings into my
life. While waiting to hear back about auditions and the call-back process, I received
a letter in the mail from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir inviting me to the next
phase of auditions.
This Saturday was the phase II theory test, taken in the basement of the
tabernacle on Temple Square. It was a great experience. There was a listening
portion for an hour and a half, then a write on portion for about 45 minutes. I
really felt good about the write on, but that ear training test was a fun
challenge. They said that we will hear within a couple weeks if we are invited
back to the final phase, a live audition with Mack Wilburg. It really sounds so
I know that the Lord is mindful of Peter and I and the activities and
opportunities that we are supposed to be having and experiencing at this time.
We have met so many wonderful people and love being around many of our family
we didn't see as often while in Idaho.
Harvesting the corn. It was a very successful summer. |
Blackberry picking |
The blackberries were enormous! |
Celebrating Millie's first birthday |
Relaxing in the backyard. Everyone was excited to come together this weekend to support Tim at his wedding. |
Roasting Mallows |
The AMAZING grape harvest. These will soon be made into grape juice before our very eyes. Delicious! |
At Tim's wedding |
Tim and Kellie's Wedding |
Life is wonderful with great lessons to learn and opportunities to live!